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Results Election

Politiche 2008 - Camera

Data are unofficial.
Detailed Affluence Affluence Printing version stampa

Voters at time: 12,00 of the 13/04/2008
125220.49 %8
 Voters : votantivotantivotanti 20.49 % (1252)
 Electors: elettorielettorielettori 100 % (6111)

Voters at time: 19,00 of the 13/04/2008
373961.18 %8
 Voters : votantivotantivotanti 61.18 % (3739)
 Electors: elettorielettorielettori 100 % (6111)

Voters at time: 22,00 of the 13/04/2008
445072.82 %8
 Voters : votantivotantivotanti 72.82 % (4450)
 Electors: elettorielettorielettori 100 % (6111)

Voters at time: 15,00 of the 14/04/2008
537587.96 %8
 Voters : votantivotantivotanti 87.96 % (5375)
 Electors: elettorielettorielettori 100 % (6111)
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